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90% of people of who try to make money online who Google fail. 100% of people who I have taught succeed!

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How I Make Money With Google Adsense, and How You CAN TOO


Posted on : 2:48 PM | By : Myself | In : ,

I have a lot of friends and family who , when I first started, had never even heard of google adsense. Nevermind, them thinking they too could make money with it. Most of my family and friends thought I was wasting my time on some sort of " make money on the internet scam". Things were hard for me at this time in my life. Ever month I could barley make ends meet and I was always one step away from financial disaster.In January of 2004 that "disaster" came in the form of a broken down car. My car needed over $500 worth of repairs. Which was $500 more then I had. My credit cards were maxed out, and my credit was destroyed. I needed my car to go to work, so that I could get paid, so that I could pay my other bills. So that month I didn't pay some other bills so that afford to get my car fixed. Then the snow ball happened. A financial snowball that I could not stopped. I needed to make some extra money. I started to do some research online. This is when I found Google Adsense, and other Affiliate Marketing programs.

I won't lie to you, I didn't become success over night. One reason for that was NO ONE, and mean NO ONE, was writing anytime about Google Adsense. So I had to learn the ropes for myself. I had to teach myself everything. At first it was an extra $50 a month, then an extra $100 and so on! Once I figured out the trick to how to make money with google adsense, and the checks started to roll in, they all wanted in as well!

Sooner or later my friends and family believed me when I told them all the time I was spending locked in an office wasn't a waste! Then THEY wanted to me to teach them everything I had learned. At one point a close friend of mine ( who now is making around $500 a month ) said to me " You need to write this down! No one else on the internet is writing anything like it! Everything online about making money with google adsense is a scam." So, here I am following her advice. I promise you that this is how How I Make Money With Google Adsense and if you follow all of my advice on this blog you too will be able to make money online with google adsense ( or through affiliate marketing) .

If at anytime you have any question please asked them in the comments and I will answer you.

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Comments (3)

hi good content hope we can jv thanks paul

Thanks Paul. Let me know if you have any questions.

Google Adsense is an easy way to make money from your blog. All you need to do is add a script from Google to your website and start displaying ads.
You will get paid for every time a user clicks on the ad. These are called CPC ads.
What is CPC? CPC stands for “cost per click.” By displaying CPC ads with Google Adsense, you receive a set fee every time an ad on your website is clicked by a visitor. The cost per click is set by the advertiser. (This is in contrast to CPM ads, where you’re paid for ad views instead of clicks. CPM means “cost per thousand impressions,” where M is the roman numeral for 1,000.)
Google Adsense is a good way to start earning money online when you are first starting out.
You can see our guide on how to monetize a WordPress blog with Google AdSense to get started, and this tutorial on how to optimize your AdSense revenue for more tips.

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