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How to find a Niche For your Blog That Pays GREAT


Posted on : 12:50 PM | By : Myself | In :

The hardest part of making money online with google adsense is going to be a finding a niche that pays great! Even some of the most competitive words you can still make some money on. Why? Because of "LONG tail KEYWORDS"! What are long tail keywords you ask, I knew you would ask! Long tail keywords are keyword phrases that are three or more words long. It's a proven fact that most people searching on the google now a days use long tail keywords when searching for a particular topic! Use this to your advantage when picking out a niche! 

Googles "spiders" picks up on word combination. So, lets say you are righting a blog on a competitive topic, let say "potty training" for instants. The sentences you create in YOUR blog will be different then all the other sentences created by other bloggers on the topic. Meaning your blog will create different long tail keywords then another persons blog on the same subject.

Thus, say someone goes to googles and searches:

"is bribing my child with chocolate ok during potty training?"

If your blog has the works [bribing] + [child] + [Potty Training] in it, chances are YOU will show up in the 1st page of google - EVEN THOUGH you won't show up on the first page of google for the highly competive keywords & niche of [Potty Training].

One of the keys to use this to your advantage is to write often and write a lot.  Furthermore, if you choose a competitive niche, make sure you research less competive  long tail keywords to use within your blog!  This will insure you more vistors. Later we will explore how to find long tail keywords.

We will continue next time with how to find High Paying Keywords for Adsense & using them in to find the perfect Niche.

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Comments (1)

Awesome blog. Can't wait to try out your techniques!

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