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90% of people of who try to make money online who Google fail. 100% of people who I have taught succeed!

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Highest Paying Google AdSense Keywords


Posted on : 7:28 AM | By : Myself | In :

Posted: January 14th 2010

We are all looking for the Highest Paying Google AdSense Keywords. Anyone who is attempting to make money with google adsense is looking for that "magical" keyword. As you know I have developed a formula that allows me to find many, many keywords that bring in money constantly. I have a list of 100's of keywords that I know will bring in the big bucks. Now, all I have to do is start ranking for those keywords and the money starts rolling in! In fact, my list of winning keywords is so long I am willing to give you some. I highly recommend you get my list of high paying keywords. This list could earn you upwards of $5000 a month. Its a perfect way to get started, and it will shave hours and hours off of your time researching top keywords.

It is NOT un-heard of to hear of people getting $10 to $15 dollars A CLICK! That means that the advertisers bidding on these keywords are bidding $30 - $40 dollars a click. Pretty unbelievable huh? Just imagine, All you would have to do is get 10 people to your site to click on ads and you'd make over $100 a day doing practically nothing. The only problem with these super high paying google adsense keywords is that EVERYONE knows about them, and everyone is trying to get ranked in google's search engines for them. The Highest Paying Google AdSense Keywords , even for an expert, can be nearly impossible to get anyone to your site for. This is why I tend to go for middle of the road paying keywords. This way the competition is lower, but the payout is still goog. Why work hours on end like a dog to get 3 high paying clicks and make $30? When you could work half that time and get 100 clicks, and make $130? However, I know you are all probably drooling at what the keywords that are earning some $10 - $15 a click, so here they are:

chicago personal injury lawyer - $19.58 A Click
new york personal injury lawyer - $16.97 A Click
lasik new york - $24.75 A Click 
mesothelioma treatments - $15.25 A Click 
mesothelioma Lawyer - $13.83 A Click 
In my next post I will teach you how to find high paying , low competition , keywords. 
In the mean time I highly Recommend you sign up for my 25 keywords, free coaching, and weekly newsletter on the right hand side of the page. This will you give you an advantage over everyone else!
To Be Continue.... 

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