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Now That you Have Your Webpage - What now? Part 1


Posted on : 4:42 PM | By : Myself

Now What?

Start Writing!

But what to should you write about that is going to make me money with Google Adsense?

This is the #1 question I get asked all the time, and the simple truth is that I can only give you some pointers. First and formost, write about what you know and DON'T write about your life. Let me be honest with you here. Unless you are famous,  no one cares about what your doing from day to day except your family and some friends. Instead, write more of a "How To..." kind of blog. And keep the subject as narrow as possible. For instant, if you know about car repair - don't write about repairing all engines - DO write about ford engines.

Another good thing to write about is things that are in the news and hot right now. For examples, if the day you heard about Tiger Woods car accidnet you started writing 5 or 6 enteries a day, everyday about the sagga you would have gotten numerous visitors to your site. Subsuquently, you would have then make money with google because visitors equals clicks which then translates into money!

Writing about niches is a great idea too. For instance, with the radical increase in diagnoses diabetes cases in the last decade people are scrabbling to read about how others are managing there diabetes. Thus, diabetes is a great niche to write about.

In our next entery will discuss niches, and how to use them to your advantage.

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